The Reverend Martin Luther King asked that his children "not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character." Yet The Reverend Je$$e Jack$on (one of King's lieutenants during those tumultuous '60s civil rights protests), Cynthia McKinney, the Reverend Louis Farrakhan, the Reverend Jeremiah Wright, Father Michael Phleger, Barack Hussein Obama, the Reverend Al $harpton, Harold Ford, Maxine Waters, Sheila Jackson-Lee and most other Negro political and social leaders today, advocate for government programs and policies that judge by skin color alone, regardless of character.
Over 100 years ago, there was a great man who clearly knew the truth. Booker T. Washington (1856 - 1915) was a Negro who was an American educator and author said, "There is a class of colored people who make a business of keeping the troubles, the wrongs, and the hardships of the Negro race before the public. Having learned that they are able to make a living out of their troubles, they have grown into the settled habit of advertising their wrongs---partly because they want sympathy and partly because it pays. Some of these people do not want the Negro to lose his grievances, because they do not want to lose their jobs."
The Democrat Party has, in effect, inculcated most Negroes with the notion that they can't make it on their own, that they must rely on the Democrats for their welfare and thereby, through “plantation politics,” they relegate these constituents to a different kind of "plantation," but enslavement just the same. The “tax and spend” Democrats operate on the principle that says, “Whenever you rob from Peter to pay Paul, you will always get Paul’s vote.” That’s why the Democrats keep playing Santa Claus with the taxpayer’s money. They keep expanding the welfare programs and over 90% of all Negroes vote for the Democrats in order to keep getting free stuff. The problem with America is that there are too many people in the wagon and not enough people pulling the wagon.
The ever-expanding list of true gentlemen and great role models who have gained national stature (and just happen to be Negroes) such as Justice Clarence Thomas, Ken Blackwell, J. C. Watts, Thomas Sowell, Walter Williams, Alan Keyes, Larry Elder, Ward Connerly, Don Scoggins, Alvin Williams, Michael Steele, and Jesse Lee Peterson are routinely castigated by Je$$e Jack$on and other Leftist, Liberal, Socialist, Marxists as "Uncle Toms" and "puppets."
Pastors such as the Reverend Martin Luther King, the Reverend Jesse Jackson, and the Reverend Al Sharpton have been an embarrassment to God. God’s teachers should not be running all over the country protesting, being arrested, and thrown in jail. They should be at home tending to their church and preaching the gospel.
The only proper reason for a pastor to ever be arrested is if he were to continue to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ after he had been prohibited. Pastors should be home spending thirty to forty hours a week studying the Bible and distilling what they have learned into a one-hour sermon. The good news of Jesus Christ is a pastor’s only message. Unlike some of today's preachers, the Apostle Paul didn't waste his time preaching about worthless things.
1 Corinthians 2:2
2. For I determined not to know anything among you except Jesus Christ and Him crucified.
Jesus didn’t come into this world to be a great moral leader, to protest for civil rights, to march in immigration rallies, or to free the slaves. Jesus came to rescue doomed sinners from an eternity in the fires of Hell. The Apostles were not to waste their time on social issues. If Christ transformed a slave, he was not to revolt but to be the best slave he could be and remain as a slave until his master set him free.
1Corinthians 7:20
20. Let each one remain in the same calling in which he was called.
21. Were you called while a slave? Do not be concerned about it; but if you can be made free, rather use it.
22. For he who is called in the Lord while a slave is the Lord’s freedman. Likewise he who is called while free is Christ’s slave.
Both masters and slaves were being saved. Slaves were to be faithful to their masters and masters were to treat their slaves fairly.
1 Peter 2:18
18. Servants (Greek - oiketes - household slaves: higher in rank), be submissive to your masters with all fear, not only to the good and gentle, but also to the harsh.
Colossians 4:1
1. Masters, give your bondservants (Greek - doulos - regular slaves: lower in rank) what is just and fair, knowing that you also have a Master in heaven.
The Apostle Paul wrote to a Christian, Philemon, about one of his slaves, Onesimus, who had stolen money, run away, and turned up in Rome where Paul, who was a prisoner, led him to Christ. Unlike the Catholic Church, which illegally hides slaves and illegal immigrants, Paul told Onesimus to return to his master, Philemon.
Philemon 1:10
10. I appeal to you for my son Onesimus, whom I have begotten while in my chains,
11. who once was unprofitable to you, but now is profitable to you and to me.
12. I am sending him back. You therefore receive him, that is, my own heart,
13. whom I wished to keep with me, that on your behalf he might minister to me in my chains for the gospel.
14. But without your consent I wanted to do nothing, that your good deed might not be by compulsion, as it were, but voluntary.
15. For perhaps he departed for a while for this purpose, that you might receive him forever,
16. no longer as a slave but more than a slave—a beloved brother, especially to me but how much more to you, both in the flesh and in the Lord.
17. If then you count me as a partner, receive him as you would me.
18. But if he has wronged you or owes anything, put that on my account.
Christianity has no interest in your social standing or outward circumstances here on earth. Whether a Christian is rich, poor, slave, or free … it doesn’t matter … none of that has any spiritual value in the Kingdom of God. Jesus said that His Kingdom was not of this world.
John 18:36
36. Jesus answered, “My kingdom is not of this world. If My kingdom were of this world, My servants would fight, so that I should not be delivered to the Jews; but now My kingdom is not from here.”
Christianity is not the venue to solve all of society’s social injustices. Christianity is not about starting a social or political revolution but a spiritual regeneration. Spiritually transformed people will change a society like a little leaven changes bread.
Romans 14:17
17. for the kingdom of God is not eating and drinking, but righteousness and peace and joy in the Holy Spirit.
In the New Testament, various words such as bondservant, servant, and slave are used to describe the Christian’s relationship to Jesus Christ. In almost all of these instances, the correct translation should have been slave since most were translated from the same Greek word “doulos” which means an ordinary, regular slave. Paul was a slave of his Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, and he was proud of it.
Romans 1:1
1. Paul, a bondservant (Greek - doulos - regular slave: lower in rank) of Jesus Christ, called to be an apostle, separated to the gospel of God
The Greeks relationship to their gods was as a friend. The idea of slavery was utterly distasteful to them. The Christian Church was given a task that looks like this: take the gospel message to people who are spiritually dead and blind. Preach the good news to people who cannot understand in whom the god of this world has blinded their minds lest the light of the glorious gospel should shine unto them, who are dead in trespasses and sins. And to help you with that impossible task, take a message which is a stumbling block to the Jews and foolishness to the Greeks. Compounding that, the dominate metaphor for what you’re asking them to become is a slave and you have an almost impossible task … humanly. And that’s exactly what the gospel calls for. We are not asking people to let Jesus come into their lives so He can make them all they want to be. We’re asking them to become slaves. We are speaking to the dead and the blind about the foolishness of the cross and asking them to become slaves. What’s the difference between a servant and a slave? A servant worked for a wage and could go home. A slave was bought for a price, was owned, and could not quit. If he ran away, he would be arrested and executed. This was a hard sell in the ancient world. The only ones who ever responded to such an improbable message were God’s elect. Even today, slavery has not been eliminated. All believers are a slave to Christ and all sinners are a slave to sin. All slaves of Christ will be made sons of the living God.
John 8:34
34. Jesus answered them, “Most assuredly, I say to you, whoever commits sin is a slave of sin.
35. And a slave does not abide in the house forever, but a son abides forever.
36. Therefore if the Son makes you free, you shall be free indeed.
The Reverend Martin Luther King’s place in history is tarnished given what we know about his personal character lapses and plagiarism in his doctoral dissertation. One thing is for sure, if you don’t agree with someone, for heaven’s sake, don’t kill them. You’ll be naming streets and holding parades in their honor for the next hundred years. If he had not have been killed, the Reverend Martin Luther King would have been exposed as a serial adulterer the same as the Reverend Je$$e Jack$on, Bill Clinton, John Kennedy, Robert Kennedy, and Teddy Kennedy.
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