Thursday, April 19, 2007



Recently, Cho Seung-Hui killed 32 people and wounded 28. The only good news was that he killed himself.

Our judicial system is a joke. I really believe that the liberals are destroying America by perverting the judicial system. Eventually, the public will lose confidence in our laws and in America.

If he hadn’t killed himself, the psychological testing, pretrial hearing and actual trial may have taken several years. If the jury had given him the death penalty, a liberal judge may have set aside the jury’s verdict and issued his own ruling of life with the possibility of parole.

In the Charles Manson case, the families of the victims had to show up at the parole hearing and beg to keep him in prison. Then, they had to hold their breath until a liberal parole board decided to keep him in prison. Every two years, they have to go through the whole process all over again.

If he had been given the death penalty, he may have sat on “death row” for eighteen years before he was executed as was the case with John Wayne Gacy who killed over thirty little boys in Chicago and buried them in his basement. Justice delayed is justice denied and for years, the courts argued over whether he killed thirty-two little boys or thirty-three.

The concept that more guns equal less crime is a proven fact. If every person at that university had taken charge of their life and had carried a gun, it is possible that only one person may have been killed, the criminal himself.

With 20,000 gun laws on the books and more being added everyday, what part of “shall not be infringed” don’t the liberal, socialist politicians understand? The Second Amendment is an individual right as are all of the other amendments to the Bill of Rights.

I have an “inalienable” right to defend myself. My inalienable rights were given to me by God and not by the government. When you break down the word, “in” means not, “alien” means stranger, and “able” means able. Therefore, my right to defend myself is “not stranger able”.

In a legal dictionary, “inalienable” is meant to go both ways. No one can separate me from my right to defend myself even if they think that I might not be very good at it AND on the other hand, I cannot separate myself from my right even if I think that a battalion of Marines are better qualified to defend me. I can invite them to help me but the ultimate responsibility for my self-protection rests with me. My inalienable rights are stuck on me like superglue.

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